
Das Buch Jesus Sirach


Kapitel 1
Kapitel 2
Kapitel 3
Kapitel 4
Kapitel 5
Kapitel 6
Kapitel 7
Kapitel 8
Kapitel 9
Kapitel 10
Kapitel 11
Kapitel 12
Kapitel 13
Kapitel 14
Kapitel 15
Kapitel 16
Kapitel 17
Kapitel 18
Kapitel 19
Kapitel 20
Kapitel 21
Kapitel 22
Kapitel 23
Kapitel 24
Kapitel 25
Kapitel 26
Kapitel 27
Kapitel 28
Kapitel 29
Kapitel 30
Kapitel 31
Kapitel 32
Kapitel 33
Kapitel 34
Kapitel 35
Kapitel 36
Kapitel 37
Kapitel 38
Kapitel 39
Kapitel 40
Kapitel 41
Kapitel 42
Kapitel 43
Kapitel 44
Kapitel 45
Kapitel 46
Kapitel 47
Kapitel 48
Kapitel 49
Kapitel 50
Kapitel 51


Die drei Siebe des Sokrates                 >

Chinesen                  >

Griechen                  >

Und die neue Weisheit, der Bruch mit der jüdischen sittlichen Substanz - Erfüllung des Gesetzes und der Propheten                >

Frühe Gnostik:
   Das Thomas Evangelium

Kabbalistische Philosophie

Die Weisheitsbücher und die Psalmen:

-Das Buch Hiob  -Die Psalmen
-Die Sammlung     der Sprüche
-Der Prediger  Salomo
-Das Lied von der  Liebe

Bibel >>>


“Gott ist tot”

Manfred Herok  2014

Phil-Splitter      .      ABCphilDE       .      Hegel Religion      .       Kunst&Wahn      .       Herok Info

Weisheit                    Sirach:     Die Weisheit,  die zu Jesu Christi Zeiten gang und gäbe war:  


Sirach 5


Good News Translation (GNT)

Don't Be Presumptuous


5 Don't rely on money to make you independent. 2 Don't think you have to have everything you want, and then spend your energy trying to get it.
3 Don't think that no one can exercise authority over you; if you do, the Lord is certain to punish you. 4 Don't think that you can sin and get away with it; the Lord does not mind waiting to punish you. 5 Don't be so certain of the Lord's forgiveness that you go on committing one sin after another.
6 Don't think that his mercy is so great that he will forgive your sins no matter how many they are. He does show mercy, but he also shows his furious anger with sinners. 7 Come back to the Lord quickly. Don't think that you can keep putting it off. His anger can come upon you suddenly, and you will die under his punishment. 8 Don't rely on dishonest wealth; it will do you no good on that day of disaster.

Sincerity and Self-control


9-10 Be certain about what you believe and consistent in what you say. Don't try to please everyone or agree with everything people say. 11 Always be ready to listen, but take your time in answering. 12 Answer only if you know what to say, and if you don't know what to say, keep quiet. 13 Speaking can bring you either honor or disgrace; what you say can ruin you.


14 Don't get a reputation for being a gossip, and don't tell tales that will hurt people. Just as robbers will suffer disgrace, so liars will suffer severe condemnation. 15 Do nothing destructive, whether it seems insignificant or not.



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